Here are just a few highlights of the hundreds of events from 2017 hosted by the press and our authors:
In March editors and contributors Kwame Dawes, Matthew Shenoda, and Chris Abani gathered at the Block Museum for a reading and discussion of Romare Bearden’s power and influence in the contemporary artistic world.
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In May we hosted a celebration of the life of Gwendolyn Brooks with Toi Derricotte, Nikky Finney, Vievee Francis, Angela Jackson, and Patricia Smith for the landmark poetry event Black Women As Giants.
In December, editors Abdul Alkalimat, Romi Crawford, and Rebecca Zorach discussed The Wall of Respect, social justice, and the power of public art in celebration of the release of The Wall of Respect: Public Art and Black Liberation in 1960s Chicago.
We’ve got much more in store for 2018! To see past and future events you can check out our events calendar.