In Defense of Poetry
After Poetry, Jane Schapiro
a jew's love for language, Chaia L. Heller
The Book of Lamentations, Leo Haber
Song Is a Monument, Yala Korwin
Letter to a Poet, Herman Taube
Dedication, Czesław Miłosz
The Beginning: Premonitions and Prophesies
Where We Are, Peter Desy
A Transport of Children, Cornel Lengyel
Oma's Opera Fan, Rochelle Natt
Born in Safety, 1941: a broken villanelle, Davi Walders
The Last Letter, Charles F. Streckfus
The Photograph, Mary Engel
Hearing Him Talk, Barbara Goldberg
The Document Room at Nuremberg, Enid Shomer
Choni, The Circle Man, Asher Torren
The Non-Emigrant (My Father in Nazi Germany), Lotte Kramer
On Shutting the Door, Lotte Kramer
Fugue, Lotte Kramer
A New Subject, Lotte Kramer
The Class of '38, Herbert Kuhner
Circus,Vera Weislitz
The Nightmare Becomes Reality
Kristallnacht, Sue Saniel Elkind
Last Train to Auschwitz, Lois Van Houten
I'm Chugging into France, Julia Stein
Heading East, Davi Walders
Goethe's Tree, Annie Dawid
The Synagogue of Florence, Lena L. Charney
Perhaps a Friend of Anne Frank's, Samuel Exler
"More Light! More Light!" Anthony Hecht
Like Butterflies, Mark Pawlak
Photo, Kraków 1939, Donna Reis
The German Officer Writes a Letter, Elisavietta Ritchie
To Make Sacred, Reeve Robert Brenner
Doubling, Lester Speiser
The Death of the Partisan Girl: Russia, Tom Wayman
Even the old men's last breath, Nelly Sachs
Abuse, Dahlia Ravikovitch
At Babi Yar, Jo Nelson
After the War, Lily Brett
A Jewish Baby in the Warsaw Ghetto, 1941, Leatrice Lifshitz
Dachau '44, Judith Berke
Unanswerable Questions, Terezin, Reva Sharon
Letter to Dina, John Bradley
See, Nadia! P. M. Callen
Folk Art, Judith Chalmer
Children's Dreams at Theresienstadt, Margaret DelGuercio
Buchenwald, Samuel Exler
Rehearsal at Terezin, Darcy Gottlieb
Der Verabeitung, Processing, Mark Pawlak
Treblinka, 1944, T. W. Perkins
At Birkenau, T. W. Perkins
Sweet Sixteen, Vera Weislitz
Children II, Lily Brett
Inivisble, Lily Brett
Selection, Lily Brett
Another Selection, Lily Brett
The Toilet, Lily Brett
Possessions of the Rich, Lily Brett
The Sonderkommando, Lily Brett
The First Job, Lily Brett
Renya's Baby, Lily Brett
To the Left, Lily Brett
Overload, Lily Brett
The Shower, Jill Bart
A Message from the Past for the Present, Christina Pacosz
Gas Ovens, Joanna M. Weston
Warsaw Ghetto, Harold Black
Poland, Lily Brett
Home Movie of Poland, Colette Inez
Faces in Swamps, Abraham Sutzkever
A Voice from the Heart, Abraham Sutzkever
I Feel Like Sarying a Prayer, Abraham Sutzkever
Burnt Pearls, Abraham Sutzkever
I Am Lying in This Coffin, Abraham Sutzkever
To the Thin Vein in My Head, Abraham Sutzkever
On the Subject of Roses, Abraham Sutzkever
For a Comrade, Abraham Sutzkever
Poland, Daniel Weissbort
In Memoriam
Like the Flash of a Bird's Wing, Marguerite M. Striar
The Holocaust Museum in Washington, Leo Haber
The Sky Was Not a Friendly Place, Patricia D'Alessandro
Kol Nidre, Elayne Goldman Clift
Yahrzeit, Miriam Kessler
Bronze Drama, Yala Korwin
Zalman, Seymour Mayne
I Mourn My Death, Pauline K. Schmookler
Memorial Day: The Viet Nam Memorial, Cynthia Pinkus Russell
October Flowers in Prague, Rybus
To Gisi Fleischmann, Joan Campion
Learning the Part of Otto Frank in The Diary Anne Frank, Mark Cannaday
To Rosa Cavalieri, who was taken to the camps, Grace Cavalieri
Personal to Kaplan, Judith Chalmer
Female Jewish History: Aunt Anka, Jean Colonomos
Female Jewish History: Aunt Tanya, Jean Colonomos
For Janusz Korczak, Charles Fishman
Isolde, Dead in Vichy France, Jean Hollander
Buddha and Me, Barry Ivker
Kristallnacht '88, Marta Knobloch
For Mirjam Lenka, Barbara Lefcowitz
Raoul Wallenberg Slept Well Last Night, Jim Ignatius Mills
Mystery My History, Victor Mingovits
Poem Beginning with a Line by Fitzgerald/Hemingway, Alicia Ostriker
Martyr, Elizabeth Rees
In Der Nacht (In the Night), Curtis Robbins
The Beginning of the Lies, Diana Rubin
Kaddish for Felix Nussbaum (1904-1944), Willa Schneberg
Ursula Goetze, Gary Sea
Erika von Brockdorff, Gary Sea
Ottilie Pohl, Gary Sea
Motele the Incongruous, Lester Speiser
Martyrs of Israel, Bradley R. Strahan
The March of the Orphans—August 5, 1942, Rich Michelson
Two Boys 1940-44, Lotte Kramer
Jankel, André Heller
Last Rites for Bert Brecht, Mimi Grossberg
Biography, Stella Rotenberg
In the Absence of Yellow, Reva Sharon
The Liberation
The Last Day, Lily Brett
This Broken Silence, Bruce V. J. Curley
Twilight of the World, Jacob Glatstein
A New Command, Jo Nelson
The Shower, Tsipi Keller
The Aftermath
Anonymous Recollection, Robert Anbian
Auschwitz, August 1988, Linda Ashear
Kristallnacht, 1991, Crystal V. Bacon
The Tattoo, Judith Berke
Inscribed, Lisa Bernstein
Displaced, Lily Brett
I Have Never Known, Lily Brett
The Immigration Man, Lily Brett
The Cake, Lily Brett
An Die Musik (Schubert), Ruth Daigon
The Death Mazurka, Charles Fishman
The Children, Charles Fishman
Train to Munich, D. Dina Friedman
This Week, Roberta Gould
Being Seemingly Unscathed, Israel Halpern
The Chosen, Jean Hollander
Bone Songs, Barry Ivker
Family Tree, Alvin M. Laster
Rebecca, Toby Lorber
Traveling to Der Bad, Arlene Maass
Celia Dances, Stanley Nelson
Recognition, On My Child's Face, Betty Renshaw
The Man with the Monocle, Layle Silbert
Grandmother Lost, Esther Crystal
Taking the Holocaust to Bed, Annie Dawid
Stateless Person, Annie Dawid
The History of the Night, Dina Elenbogen
Survivor, Elizabeth Rees
Sealed, Bina Goldfield
Household Rules. Farwell Avenue, Chicago 1946, Lisa Ress
Tattoo, Gregg Shapiro
Portraits of the Shadows in the Flames, Leslie What
Trapped in Mea Shearim, Shel Krakofsky
Where Jackals Run and Vultures Fly, Thomas R. Verny
A Ballad for Tourists, Larry Rubin
Collectible, Anna Bart
Because No One Said "No!" Roseline Intrater
Judische Friedhof: Kaiserslautern, Emily Carolyn Joyce
After Visiting Dachau, Rita Kiefer
Ilse's Poem, Rita Kiefer
Daughter, A Gift of Red Shoes, Kendall LeCompte
Springtime Near Munich, Merrill Leffler
1945, Bernard Mikofsky
Cambodian Holocaust, Bernard Mikovsky
The Fifties, E. Ethelbert Miller
Malediction, Karl Plank
Ash Wednesday, Karl Plank
One More Holocaust Poem, Elliot Richman
Rage Before Pardon: An Interview with Elie Wiesel, Marguerite M. Striar
The Children's Museum at the Holocaust Memorial, Joanne Seltzer
Dachau 1968, Joan I. Siegel
Anne Frank, John Foster West
The Suitcase, Evelyn Wexler
Badge, Michele Wolf
In the Kibbutz Laundry, Elaine Starkman
The Burden of Memory, Kenny Fries
What Is Required, Jacob Gusewelle
Roots, Helene Hoffman
Hello, Mitchell Waldman
Yom Hashoah, Never Again, Shel Krakofsky
Danger: No Explosives, Shel Krakofsky
My Jewish Husband, Sandra Collier Verny
No More Mozart, Dannie Abse
Role Reversal, Anne Kind
Two Poems, Walter Bauer
Traveling to the Capitals, Walter Bauer
Free from Shame, Neil C. Scott
The Victims of the "Victims," Peter Daniel
Again, Tamar Radzyner
The Gardens, David Curzon
Remembrance, Bruce Bennett
Seriatim, Robert Frauenglas
Overlooking Jena, Paul Cummins
Survivor, Barbara Goldberg
The Shop, Elliot Richman
These Ultimate Survivors, Marguerite M. Strair
The Daughter of Survivors, Hilary Tham (Goldberg)
33 Union Square West, David Gershator
Herringbone Overcoat, Jacob Gusewelle
Insects Won the Battle, Herman Taube
My Mother's Prayer Book, Shel Krakofsky
In a Bicycle Repair Shop, Shel Krakofsky
The Survivor, A. Alvarez
An Old Story, B. Z. Niditch
Sonnets, Richard Newman
In Memory of Smoke, Michael Waters
Pinochle Day, Frieda Arkin
Outcast, Bina Goldfield
Remembering, Enid Shomer
Forging Links, Joan Seliger Sidney
Arbeit Macht Frei, Reva Sharon
Lettuce for Anne Frank, Janice Townley Moore
Berlin: Savor Hotel, Herman Taube
El Tango Fabuloso, Ashes Torren
Lithuania, Myra Sklarew
A Letter to Hans Purvogel, Paul Cummins
Inspection, Deborah De Nicola
Cinema III, Christopher Fahy
Art and Politics, Barry Ivker
Criminal Sonnet XXXVIII, Phyllis Koestenbaum
Ronald Reagan in Germany, Joanne Seltzer
Our Holocaust Dead, Hilary Tham (Goldberg)
Waiting to Go Home, Bill Siegel
How Can They Say It Never Happened? Joan Fondell
Psalm 1, David Curzon
Adam, Yevgeny Vinokurov
Song of Songs, Iakovos Kambanelis
Testimony, Dan Pagis
Draft of a Reparations Agreement, Dan Pagis
Written in Pencil in the Sealed Railway Car, Dan Pagis
Deathfugue, Paul Celan
O the chimneys, Nelly Sachs
A Shade from Auschwitz, Cornel Adam
Ezekiel in the Valley, Cornel Adam
Where Were You, Lily Brett
On the Propensity of the Human Species to Repeat Error, Christina Pacosz
It Is Raining on the House of Anne Frank, Linda Pastan
Response, Linda Pastan
God Teaches Us How to Forgive, But We Forget, Louis Phillips
Perhaps You Wish to Learn Another Language, Louis Phillips
The Unseen, Robert Pinsky
Gypsy Soup, Morrie Warshawski
Yellow Stars, Michael Waters
Virgil in the Darkness, Dean Smith
There Are Times You Must Wonder, J. R. Solonche
Pinball Wizards, Mike Frenkel
Feeding Stray Cats, Yala Korwin
The Distance between Two Towns, Enid Shomer
Daily Stones, Shel Krakofsky
A Night Out, Dannie Abse
Between the Lines, Michael Hamburger
In a Cold Season, Michael Hamburger
Hidden, Anne Kind
Trying to Hide Treblinka, Jon Silkin
Friends, Lotte Kramer
Neither Nor, Georg Kreisler
Walls, Willy Verkauf-Verlon
Love of Austria, Hebert Kuhner
All the Generations Before Me, Yehuda Amichai
Dachau, Joan McGinnis
Hate Shall Not Impale Me, Marguerite M. Striar
Biographical Notes
Author Index
Translator Index