Part I: Mankind Never Abandoned; Writings of Robert Antelme
1. The Smiling Angel
2. Revenge
3. Poor Man - Proletarian - Deportee
4. Principles Put to the Test
5. Man as the Basis of Right
6. Testimony of the Camps and Poetry
7. Two Poems by Maurice Honel
8. Poems
9. Somebody Stole my Bread
10. On The Writing of the Disaster by Maurice Blanchot
Part II: The Presence of The Human Race
1. In the Night that is Watched Over, Maurice Blanchot
2. The Human Race, Maurice Blanchot
3. Hollows in the Face, Jean-Pierre Faye
4. Man's Property/Propriety, Fethi Benslama
5. Thinking Death, Leslie Kaplan
6. Dead-End, Michel Surya
7. Rising up Against What is There, Claude Rabaut
8. Robert Antelme's Two Sentences, Jean-Luc Nancy
9. Man Naked, Myriam Revault d'Allonnes
10. The Intereuption - The Interminable, Roger Laporte
11. Antelme's Hands, Sarah Kofman
12. Poems, Martine Broda
13. Moscow, December 1, Philippe Lacour-Labarthe
14. In a Petrified World, Gerard Rabinovitch
15. Robert Antlme and the Truth of Literature, Georges Perec
16. Truth as it is, Francis Marmande
17. Fitness, Claude Miniere
18. We Are Free, Francois Dominique
19. The Human Race, Jean Roudaut
20. The Ultimate Common Thing we Possess, Olivier Kaeppelin
21. The Body's Luck, Daniel Dobbels
22. A Letter from Andre du Bouchet
Part III: Discussion, Interviews, Testimonials
1. Epigraph, Maurice Blanchot
2. In the Company of Robert Antelme: Interviews with Georges Beauchamps, Marguerite Duras, Dionys Mascolo, Francois Metterrand, Edgar Morin, Maurice Nadeau, Claude Roy
3. Postscript, Claude Roy
4. Testimonials by Louis-René des Forêts, Jean-Louis Schefer, Robert Gallimard, Jacques Pimpaneau, Dow Dowling, and Thomas Regnier.
Robert Antelme, Biographical Information
partial Bibliography