A narrative-poetic retelling of The Great Gatsby from the perspective of a 1990s teen poet
Daisy: Poems is a captivating and imaginative take on The Great Gatsby that puts F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1925 classic in the hands of a messy, ambitious, and possibly devious teen poet. From her privileged yet precarious perch in the roaring 1990s, Daisy navigates the expectations of her parents, boyfriend, and lover, alongside her own artistic ambitions, as she explores whether freedom is what she truly desires—and wonders if it’s even possible. Rachel Feder puts a new spin on beloved characters: Jay, longtime and secret lover; Nick, somewhat mysterious and always meddling cousin; and Jordyn, best friend and companion in doomed relationships. A meditation on juvenilia, constructions of femininity, the purity myth, and canonical literary silences, Daisy is told in sparse, evocative verse that pulsates with youthful passion and offers a new elegy for our lost American dreams.